Innovating the Classical Music Experience in the PHENICX Project: Use Cases and Initial User Feedback

TitleInnovating the Classical Music Experience in the PHENICX Project: Use Cases and Initial User Feedback
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsLiem, CCS, van der Sterren, R, van Tilburg, M, Sarasúa, Á, Bosch, JJ, Janer, J, Melenhorst, MS, Gómez, E, Hanjalic, A
Conference Name1st International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption (WSICC) at EuroITV 2013
Date Published06/2013
Conference LocationComo, Italy
Keywordsinteractivity, multimedia information systems, multimodality, music information retrieval, performing arts, social networks, user studies

The FP7 PHENICX project focuses on creating a new digital classical concert experience, improving the accessibility of classical music concert performances by enhancing and enriching them in novel digital ways, In this paper, we present the project’s foreseen use cases. Subsequently, we summarize initial use case feedback from two different user groups. Despite the early stage of the project, the feedback already gives important insight into real-world considerations to make for interactive music content consumption solutions.