PHENICX: Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert Experiences

TitlePHENICX: Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert Experiences
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsGómez, E, Grachten, M, Hanjalic, A, Janer, J, Jordà, S, Julià, CF, Liem, CCS, Martorell, A, Schedl, M, Widmer, G
Conference NameSMAC Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013 and SMC Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013
Date Published08/2013
Conference LocationStockholm, Sweden

Modern digital multimedia and internet technology have radically changed the ways people find entertainment and discover new interests online, seemingly without any phys- ical or social barriers. Such new access paradigms are in sharp contrast with the traditional means of entertainment. An illustrative example of this is live music concert perfor- mances that are largely being attended by dedicated audi- ences only.

This papers introduces the PHENICX project, which aims at enriching traditional concert experiences by using state- of-the-art multimedia and internet technologies. The project focuses on classical music and its main goal is twofold: (a) to make live concerts appealing to potential new au- dience and (b) to maximize the quality of concert experi- ence for everyone. Concerts will then become multimodal, multi-perspective and multilayer digital artifacts that can be easily explored, customized, personalized, (re)enjoyed and shared among the users. The paper presents the main scientific objectives on the project, provides a state of the art review on related research and presents the main chal- lenges to be addressed.