TY - Generic
T1 - An Analysis of Agreement in Classical Music Perception and Its Relationship to Listener Characteristics
T2 - Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016)
Y1 - 2016
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - Hamid Eghbal-zadeh
A1 - Emilia Gómez
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
JF - Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016)
CY - New York, USA
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T1 - A Personality-based Adaptive System for Visualizing Classical Music Performances
T2 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys)
Y1 - 2016
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - Mark Melenhorst
A1 - Cynthia C.S. Liem
A1 - AgustÃn Martorell
A1 - Óscar Mayor
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
JF - Proceedings of the 7th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys)
CY - Klagenfurt, Austria
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T1 - Personalized Retrieval and Browsing of Classical Music and Supporting Multimedia Material
T2 - Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR)
Y1 - 2016
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - Cynthia C.S. Liem
A1 - Mark Melenhorst
JF - Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR)
CY - New York, USA
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T1 - On the Influence of User Characteristics on Music Recommendation
T2 - Proceedings of the 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2015)
Y1 - 2015
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - David Hauger
A1 - Katayoun Farrahi
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
JF - Proceedings of the 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2015)
CY - Vienna, Austria
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T1 - Genre-based Analysis of Social Media Data on Music Listening Behavior
T2 - Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Internet-Scale Multimedia Management (ISMM 2014)
Y1 - 2014
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
JF - Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Internet-Scale Multimedia Management (ISMM 2014)
CY - Orlando, FL, USA
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T1 - Impact of Listening Behavior on Music Recommendation
T2 - Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014)
Y1 - 2014
A1 - Katayoun Farrahi
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - Andreu Vall
A1 - David Hauger
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
JF - Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014)
CY - Taipei, Taiwan
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T1 - To Post or Not to Post: The Effects of Persuasive Cues and Group Targeting Mechanisms on Posting Behavior
T2 - Proceedings of the 6th ASE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2014)
Y1 - 2014
A1 - Bruce Ferwerda
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
JF - Proceedings of the 6th ASE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2014)
CY - Stanford, USA
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T1 - Using Social Media Mining for Estimating Theory of Planned Behaviour Parameters
T2 - Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services (EMPIRE 2014)
Y1 - 2014
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
A1 - Bruce Ferwerda
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - Cynthia C. S. Liem
A1 - Mark S. Melenhorst
A1 - Ante Odić
A1 - Andrej Košir
JF - Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services (EMPIRE 2014)
CY - Aalborg, Denmark
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T1 - The Million Musical Tweets Dataset: What Can We Learn From Microblogs
T2 - Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013)
Y1 - 2013
A1 - David Hauger
A1 - Markus Schedl
A1 - Andrej Košir
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
JF - Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013)
CY - Curitiba, Brazil
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T1 - Personality and Social Context: Impact on Emotion Induction from Movies
T2 - EMPIRE 2013: Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services
Y1 - 2013
A1 - Ante Odić
A1 - Marko TkalÄiÄ
A1 - Jurij F. TasiÄ
A1 - Andrej Košir
AB - In this paper we describe our preliminary work on understanding the impact of personality on the emotion induction in dierent social circumstances during the consumption of movies, for the purposeof the context-aware recommender system for movies. The purpose ofthis study is to answer two research questions: is there a dierence in emotion induction when users are alone as opposed to when they are with company during watching the movie, and do dierent personality proles in uence the emotion induction when users are alone as opposed to when they are with company during watching the movie? We have used the (LDOS-CoMoDa) dataset which contains ratings and associated contextual information for the consumed movies, as well as Big Five personality proles of the users. The results showed that there is an in uence of social context on emotion induction, and that personality factors have to be taken into consideration since for the dierent groups of users, based on the personality factors, the emotion induction was in uenced dierently
JF - EMPIRE 2013: Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services
PB - http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-997/#empire2013
CY - Rome, Italy
UR - http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-997/empire2013_paper_5.pdf
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