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“Innovating the Classical Music Experience in the PHENICX Project: Use Cases and Initial User Feedback”, in 1st International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption (WSICC) at EuroITV 2013, Como, Italy, 2013.
phenicx_euroitv13wsicc.pdf (86.1 KB)
“Put the Concert Attendee in the Spotlight. A User-Centered Design and Development Approach for Classical Concert Applications”, in 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Málaga, Spain, 2015.
67_Paper.pdf (442.55 KB)
“A Tablet App to Enrich the Live and Post-Live Experience of Classical Concerts”, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption (WSICC) at TVX 2015, 2015.
A tablet app to enrich the live and post-live experience of classical concerts.pdf (181.96 KB)
“Using Social Media Mining for Estimating Theory of Planned Behaviour Parameters”, in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services (EMPIRE 2014), Aalborg, Denmark, 2014.
2014_Empire_Phenicx.pdf (220.3 KB)