
Export 99 results:
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
M. Tkalčič, Ferwerda, B., Hauger, D., and Schedl, M., Personality Correlates for Digital Concert Program Notes, UMAP 2015, Springer LNCS 9146, 2015. 2015_Tkalcic_UMAP.pdf (4.81 MB)
M. Schedl, Flexer, A., and Urbano, J., The Neglected User in Music Information Retrieval Research, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, vol. 41, pp. 523–539, 2013.
M. Schedl, Gómez, E., and Urbano, J., Music Information Retrieval: Recent Developments and Applications, {Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval}, vol. 8, pp. 127–261, 2014. article_mir_online.pdf (6.4 MB)
T. Vodlan, Tkalčič, M., and Košir, A., The impact of hesitation, a social signal, on a user’s quality of experience in multimedia content retrieval, Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2014. springer_MMTA_art3a10-10072fs11042-014-1933-2.pdf (1.52 MB)
A. Martorell and Gómez, E., Hierarchical multi-scale set-class analysis, Journal of Mathematics and Music, pp. 1-14, 2014. Martorell-Gómez (2014) - Hierarchical multi-scale set-class analysis (preprint).pdf (1.64 MB)
M. Grachten and Krebs, F., An Assessment of Learned Score Features for Modeling Expressive Dynamics in Music, {IEEE} Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 16, pp. 1211–1218, 2014. GrachtenKrebs-TMM2311013-preprint.pdf (731.59 KB)
Conference Proceedings
A. Martorell and Gómez, E., Systematic multi-scale set-class analysis, 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei (Taiwan), 2014.
A. Martorell, Set-class surface analysis: a hierarchical multi-scale approach, 7th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML'14). Barcelona, 2014.
F. Krebs, Böck, S., and Widmer, G., Rhytmic Pattern Modeling for Beat and Downbeat Tracking in Musical Audio, Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013). 2013. Krebs_ISMIR_2013.pdf (303.61 KB)
J. Bosch and Gómez, E., Melody extraction in symphonic classical music: a comparative study of mutual agreement between humans and algorithms, 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology – CIM14. Berlin, 2014. cim14_submission_114_ready.pdf (740.38 KB)
C. C. S. Liem, Mass Media Musical Meaning: Opportunities from the Collaborative Web, 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR). Plymouth, UK, 2015. CMMR_2015_submission_121.pdf (1.14 MB)
A. Sarasua, Caramiaux, B., and Tanaka, A., Machine Learning of Personal Gesture Variation in Music Conducting, CHI - Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM Press, San Jose, CA, pp. 3428-3432, 2016.
C. C. S. Liem, Bazzica, A., and Hanjalic, A., Looking Beyond Sound: Unsupervised Analysis of Musician Videos, 14th International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive services (WIA2MIS). IEEE, Paris, France, 2013. Liem_Bazzica_Hanjalic_WIAMIS2013.pdf (722.81 KB)
J. Schlüter and Böck, S., Improved musical onset detection with convolutional neural networks, Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014). 2014.
J. Bosch, Automatic Melodic and Structural Analysis of Music Material for Enriched Concert Related Experiences, In Proc. of ACM Multimedia. Barcelona, 2013. mm135d-Bosch.pdf (717.88 KB)
M. Schedl, Eghbal-zadeh, H., Gómez, E., and Tkalčič, M., An Analysis of Agreement in Classical Music Perception and Its Relationship to Listener Characteristics, Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016). New York, USA, 2016. eroica-study_ismir_2016.pdf (125.97 KB)
Conference Paper
G. Widmer, What Really Moves Us in Music: Expressivity as a Challenge to Semantic Audio Research, in 53rd AES Conference on Semantic Audio, London, UK, 2014.
O. Mayor, Web-based visualizations and acoustic rendering for multimodal data from orchestra performances using repovizz, in WAC - 1st Web Audio Conference, 2015.
M. Tkalčič, Ferwerda, B., Schedl, M., Liem, C. C. S., Melenhorst, M. S., Odić, A., and Košir, A., Using Social Media Mining for Estimating Theory of Planned Behaviour Parameters, in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services (EMPIRE 2014), Aalborg, Denmark, 2014. 2014_Empire_Phenicx.pdf (220.3 KB)
B. Ferwerda and Schedl, M., Using Social Media Mining for Estimating Theory of Planned Behaviour Parameters, in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services (EMPIRE 2014), Aalborg, Denmark, 2014. UMAP.pdf (192.14 KB)
B. Ferwerda, Schedl, M., and Tkalčič, M., Using Instagram Picture Features to Predict Users' Personality, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2016), Miami, USA, 2016. ferwerda_mmm_2016.pdf (259.12 KB)
M. Schedl, Vall, A., and Farrahi, K., User Geospatial Context for Music Recommendation in Microblogs, in Proceedings of the 37th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Gold Coast, Australia, 2014. sp136-schedl.pdf (116.59 KB)
F. Korzeniowski, Krebs, F., Arzt, A., and Widmer, G., Tracking Rests and Tempo Changes: Improved Score Following with Particle Filters, in Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Perth, Australia, 2013. Korzeniowski_ICMC_2013.pdf (179.91 KB)
M. Schedl, Towards Personalizing Classical Music Recommendations, in SoMeRA 2015: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Social Media Retrieval and Analysis, Atlantic City, USA, 2015. schedl_somera_2015.pdf (151.98 KB)
B. Ferwerda, Schedl, M., and Tkalčič, M., To Post or Not to Post: The Effects of Persuasive Cues and Group Targeting Mechanisms on Posting Behavior, in Proceedings of the 6th ASE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2014), Stanford, USA, 2014. SocialCom_final.pdf (334.89 KB)
H. Eghbal-zadeh, Schedl, M., and Widmer, G., Timbral Modeling for Music Artist Recognition Using I-vectors, in Proceedings of the 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), Nice, France, 2015. eghbal-zadeh_eusipco_2015.pdf (95.91 KB)
A. Arzt, Widmer, G., and Sonnleitner, R., Tempo- and Transposition-invariant Identification of Piece and Score Position, in Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2014.
M. Schedl and Hauger, D., Tailoring Music Recommendations to Users by Considering Diversity, Mainstreaminess, and Novelty, in Proceedings of the 38th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Santiago, Chile, 2015. schedl_sigir_2015.pdf (256.16 KB)
M. S. Melenhorst, van der Sterren, R., Arzt, A., Martorell, A., and Liem, C. C. S., A Tablet App to Enrich the Live and Post-Live Experience of Classical Concerts, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption (WSICC) at TVX 2015, 2015. A tablet app to enrich the live and post-live experience of classical concerts.pdf (181.96 KB)
A. Martorell, Systematic set-class surface analysis: a hierarchical multi-scale approach, in 8th European Music Analysis Conference, Leuven, Belgium, Leuven (Belgium), 2014.
R. Marxer and Janer, J., Study of regularizations and constraints in NMF-based drums monaural separation, in International Conference on Digital Audio Effects Conference (DAFx-13), 2013.
M. Schedl, Knees, P., and Shen, J., SoMeRA 2014: Social Media Retrieval and Analysis Workshop, in Proceedings of the 37th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Gold Coast, Australia, 2014. wk6some-schedl.pdf (29.43 KB)
M. Schedl, Social Media and Classical Music? – A first analysis within the PHENICX project: “Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert eXperiences”, in SoMeRA'14: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Social Media Retrieval and Analysis, Gold Coast, Australia, 2014. somera_phenicx_2014.pdf (150.36 KB)
O. Mayor, Llimona, Q., Marchini, M., Papiotis, P., and Maestre, E., repoVizz: a Framework for Remote Storage, Browsing, Annotation, and Exchange of Multi-modal Data, in ACM Multimedia 2013, Barcelona, 2013. repoVizz_acmm13.pdf (836.97 KB)
F. Korzeniowski and Widmer, G., Refined Spectral Template Models for Score Following, in Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2013. Korzeniowski_SMC_2013.pdf (738.55 KB)
A. Arzt and Widmer, G., Real-time Music Tracking using Multiple Performances as a Reference, in Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2015.
M. S. Melenhorst and Liem, C. C. S., Put the Concert Attendee in the Spotlight. A User-Centered Design and Development Approach for Classical Concert Applications, in 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Málaga, Spain, 2015. 67_Paper.pdf (442.55 KB)
S. Van Herwaarden, Grachten, M., and De Haas, W. B., Predicting expressive dynamics in piano performances using neural networks, in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014. nn_piano.pdf (219.6 KB)
A. Arzt, Böck, S., Flossmann, S., Frostel, H., Gasser, M., Liem, C. C. S., and Widmer, G., The Piano Music Companion, in Proceedings of the Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS), 2014.
E. Gómez, Grachten, M., Hanjalic, A., Janer, J., Jordà, S., Julià, C. F., Liem, C. C. S., Martorell, A., Schedl, M., and Widmer, G., PHENICX: Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert Experiences, in SMAC Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013 and SMC Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013. PHENICX-smac2013-6.0.pdf (165.35 KB)
C. C. S. Liem, Gómez, E., and Schedl, M., PHENICX: Innovating the Classical Music Experience, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2015), Torino, Italy, 2015. phenicx_icme_preprint.pdf (4.59 MB)
M. Tkalčič, Schedl, M., Liem, C. C. S., and Melenhorst, M., Personalized Retrieval and Browsing of Classical Music and Supporting Multimedia Material, in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), New York, USA, 2016.
C. Schabetsberger and Schedl, M., Personalized Music Recommendation in a Mobile Environment, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM 2013), Vienna, Austria, 2013.
M. Schedl, Melenhorst, M., Liem, C. C. S., Martorell, A., Mayor, Ó., and Tkalčič, M., A Personality-based Adaptive System for Visualizing Classical Music Performances, in Proceedings of the 7th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys), Klagenfurt, Austria, 2016.
B. Ferwerda, Yang, E., Schedl, M., and Tkalčič, M., Personality Traits Predict Music Taxonomy Preferences, in Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '15, 2015. wip271-ferwerdaa.pdf (207.48 KB)
B. Ferwerda, Schedl, M., and Tkalčič, M., Personality & Emotional States: Understanding Users’ Music Listening Needs, in Extended Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2015), Dublin, Ireland, 2015. umap2015_submission_3.pdf (191.58 KB)
A. Odić, Tkalčič, M., Tasič, J. F., and Košir, A., Personality and Social Context: Impact on Emotion Induction from Movies, in EMPIRE 2013: Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services, Rome, Italy, 2013. empire2013_paper_5.pdf (234.78 KB)
A. Nikrang, Collins, T., and Widmer, G., PatternViewer: An Application for Exploring Repetitive and Tonal Structure, in Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014), Taipei, Taiwan, 2014. PatternViewer_ISMIR_2014.pdf (479.84 KB)
J. Schlüter and Böck, S., Musical Onset Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks, in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. Schlueter_MML13.pdf (321.21 KB)
P. Knees and Schedl, M., Music Retrieval and Recommendation – A Tutorial Overview, in Proceedings of the 38th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Santiago, Chile, 2015. knees_sigir_2015.pdf (173.28 KB)
M. Schedl, Gómez, E., and Goto, M., Multimedia Information Retrieval: Music and Audio, in Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Barcelona, Spain, 2013.
T. Gadermaier, Grachten, M., and Cancino-Chacon, C. Eduardo, Modeling Loudness Variations in Ensemble Performance, in 2nd International Conference on New Music Concepts (ICNMC 2016), Treviso, Italy, 2016.
M. Schedl, Breitschopf, G., and Ionescu, B., Mobile Music Genius: Reggae at the Beach, Metal on a Friday Night?, in Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Glasgow, UK, 2014. 213-Schedl.pdf (485.98 KB)
D. Hauger, Schedl, M., Košir, A., and Tkalčič, M., The Million Musical Tweets Dataset: What Can We Learn From Microblogs, in Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013), Curitiba, Brazil, 2013.
J. Bosch, Mayor, O., and Gómez, E., Melovizz: A Web-based tool for Score-Informed Melody Extraction Visualization, in ISMIR (Late Breaking Demo), 2015. ISMIR LBD Bosch - melovizz melody extraction visualisation.pdf (326.92 KB)
J. Bosch and Gómez, E., Melody extraction by means of a source-filter model and pitch contour characterization (MIREX 2015), in Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX), 2015. Bosch MIREX 2015.pdf (129.05 KB)
S. Böck and Widmer, G., Maximum Filter Vibrato Suppression for Onset Detection, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13), Maynooth, Ireland, 2013. Boeck_DAFx-13.pdf (481.6 KB)
R. Marxer and Janer, J., Low-latency Bass Separation using Harmonic-Percussion Decomposition, in International Conference on Digital Audio Effects Conference (DAFx-13), Maynooth, Ireland, 2013.
M. Kaminskas, Ricci, F., and Schedl, M., Location-aware Music Recommendation Using Auto-Tagging and Hybrid Matching, in Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2013), Hong Kong, China, 2013.
M. Schedl and Schnitzer, D., Location-Aware Music Artist Recommendation, in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2014), Dublin, Ireland, 2014.
S. Böck and Widmer, G., Local Group Delay based Vibrato and Tremolo Suppression for Onset Detection, in Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2013), Curitiba, Brazil, 2013. Boeck_ISMIR_2013.pdf (351.43 KB)
M. Schedl, Listener-aware Music Search and Recommendation, in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2015), Porto, Portugal, 2015.
M. Schedl, Listener-aware Music Recommendation from Sensor and Social Media Data, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2015), Porto, Portugal, 2015. schedl_ecmlpkdd_2015.pdf (143.61 KB)
H. Eghbal-zadeh, Lehner, B., Schedl, M., and Widmer, G., I-Vectors for Timbre-Based Music Similarity and Music Artist Classification, in Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Malaga, Spain, 2015. eghbal-zadeh_ismir_2015.pdf (190.26 KB)
M. Gillhofer and Schedl, M., Iron Maiden while jogging, Debussy for dinner? - An analysis of music listening behavior in context, in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2015), Sydney, Australia, 2015. mmm_2015_final.pdf (315.8 KB)
C. C. S. Liem, van der Sterren, R., van Tilburg, M., Sarasúa, Á., Bosch, J. J., Janer, J., Melenhorst, M. S., Gómez, E., and Hanjalic, A., Innovating the Classical Music Experience in the PHENICX Project: Use Cases and Initial User Feedback, in 1st International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption (WSICC) at EuroITV 2013, Como, Italy, 2013. phenicx_euroitv13wsicc.pdf (86.1 KB)
M. Schedl, Hauger, D., Farrahi, K., and Tkalčič, M., On the Influence of User Characteristics on Music Recommendation, in Proceedings of the 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2015), Vienna, Austria, 2015. ecir_2015_final.pdf (259.24 KB)
M. Miron, Carabias, J. José, and Janer, J., Improving score-informed source separation for classical music through note refinement, in 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference., Malaga, 2015. Improving score-informed source separation for classical music through note refinement.pdf (843.09 KB)
A. Vall, Skowron, M., Knees, P., and Schedl, M., Improving Music Recommendations with a Weighted Factorization of the Tagging Activity, in Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Malaga, Spain, 2015. vall_ismir_2015.pdf (228 KB)
K. Farrahi, Schedl, M., Vall, A., Hauger, D., and Tkalčič, M., Impact of Listening Behavior on Music Recommendation, in Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014), Taipei, Taiwan, 2014. ismir_14.pdf (1.06 MB)
M. Schedl and Schnitzer, D., Hybrid Retrieval Approaches to Geospatial Music Recommendation, in Proceedings of the 35th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Dublin, Ireland, 2013. sigir2013.pdf (311.65 KB)
A. Košir, Odić, A., and Tkalčič, M., How to Improve the Statistical Power of the 10-fold Cross Validation Scheme in Recommender Systems, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication in Recommender Systems Evaluation, New York, NY, USA, 2013. 2013_repsys.pdf (140.42 KB)
A. M. Demetriou, Larson, M. A., and Liem, C. C. S., Go With the Flow: When Listeners use Music as Technology, in the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), New York, USA, 2016. GoWithTheFlow_cameraready.pdf (311.42 KB)
C. F. Julià, Jordà, S., and Earnshaw, N., GestureAgents: An Agent-Based Framework for Concurrent Multi-Task Multi-User Interaction, in TEI 2013, 2013.
M. Schedl and Tkalčič, M., Genre-based Analysis of Social Media Data on Music Listening Behavior, in Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Internet-Scale Multimedia Management (ISMM 2014), Orlando, FL, USA, 2014. wismm01-schedl.pdf (378.16 KB)
C. C. S. Liem, From Water Music to ’Underwater Music’: Multimedia Soundtrack Retrieval with Social Mass Media Resources, in the 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), Hannover, Germany, 2016. Liem_TPDL2016_preprint.pdf (1.34 MB)
A. Arzt, Goebl, W., and Widmer, G., Flexible Score Following: The Piano Music Companion and Beyond, in Proceedings of the Vienna Talk on Music Acoustics, 2015.
A. Bazzica, Liem, C. C. S., and Hanjalic, A., Exploiting Instrument-wise Playing/Non-Playing Labels for Score Synchronization of Symphonic Music, in Proceedings of the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014.
C. E. Cancino Chacón and Grachten, M., An evaluation of score descriptors combined with non-linear models of expressive dynamics in music, in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2015), Banff, Canada, 2015. CancinoGrachten-DS-2015-preprint.pdf (133.14 KB)
S. Böck, Schlüter, J., and Widmer, G., Enhanced peak picking for onset detection with recurrent neural networks, in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. Boeck_MML13.pdf (178.65 KB)
Á. Sarasúa and Guaus, E., Dynamics in Music Conducting: A Computational Comparative Study Among Subjects, in Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, London, United Kingdom, 2014. 464_paper.pdf (1.33 MB)
C. C. S. Liem, Crowdsourcing Audience Perspectives on Classical Music, in International Workshop on Multimedia Artworks Analysis (MMArt) at IEEE ICME, Seattle, WA, USA, 2016. Liem_MMArt2016_preprint.pdf (351.86 KB)
E. S. Trent and Gómez, E., Correlations Between Musical Descriptors and Emotions Recognized in Beethoven’s Eroica, in Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), Manchester, UK, 2015. 0168TrentGomez-ESCOM2015.pdf (953.6 KB)
A. Sarasua, Context-Aware Gesture Recognition in Classical Music Conducting, in ACM Multimedia, Barcelona, 2013. acmm_sarasua.pdf (705.73 KB)
A. Arzt, Böck, S., Flossmann, S., Frostel, H., Gasser, M., and Widmer, G., The Complete Classical Music Companion V0.9, in 53rd AES Conference on Semantic Audio, London, UK, 2014.
C. C. S. Liem and Hanjalic, A., Comparative Analysis of Orchestral Performance Recordings: An Image-Based Approach, in 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Málaga, Spain, 2015. 108_Paper.pdf (2.1 MB)
M. Gasser, Arzt, A., Gadermaier, T., Grachten, M., and Widmer, G., Classical Music on the Web - User Interfaces and Data Representations, in Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, {ISMIR} 2015, Málaga, Spain, October 26-30, 2015, 2015. 123_Paper.pdf (1.05 MB)
T. Collins, Böck, S., Krebs, F., and Widmer, G., Bridging the Audio-Symbolic Gap: The Discovery of Repeated Note Content Directly from Polyphonic Music Audio, in 53rd AES Conference on Semantic Audio, London, UK, 2014.
A. Sarasua and Guaus, E., Beat Tracking from Conducting Gestural Data: A Multi-Subject Study, in Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Movement and Computing, Paris, France, 2014. moco-ready.pdf (697.19 KB)
M. Grachten, Gasser, M., Arzt, A., and Widmer, G., Automatic alignment of music performances with structural differences, in Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Curitiba, Brazil, 2013. mgrachten-et-al-ISMIR2013.pdf (371.57 KB)
M. Miron, Carabias, J. José, and Janer, J., Audio-to-score alignment at the note level for orchestral recordings, in 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014.
A. Arzt, Frostel, H., Gadermaier, T., Gasser, M., Widmer, G., and Grachten, M., Artificial Intelligence in the Concertgebouw, in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015. IJCAI15-343.pdf (6.63 MB)
M. Grachten, Chacón, C. E. Cancino, and Widmer, G., Analysis and prediction of expressive dynamics using Bayesian linear models, in 1st international workshop on computer and robotic Systems for Automatic Music Performance (SAMP14), Venice, Italy, 2014. GrachtenEtAl-SAMP-2014-CameraReady.pdf (392.66 KB)
M. Schedl, Ameliorating Music Recommendation: Integrating Music Content, Music Context, and User Context for Improved Music Retrieval and Recommendation, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM 2013), Vienna, Austria, 2013.
Book Chapter
A. Martorell and Gómez, E., Contextual set-class analysis, in Computational Music Analysis, D. Meredith Heidelberg: Springer, 2015, pp. 81-110.